Purchase your ticket today for American Songbook: A Big Band Concert! This concert will feature songs from Frank Sinatra, Perry Como, Michael Buble, and more! Soloist Neil Nelson and the band led by Matt Calderin will make this a night to remember. Click here for tickets!
Strike up the band…and the choir and organ, too! We’re celebrating the Spirit of America with a special Fleet Week concert at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, May 3 at 7 p.m. Enjoy rousing marches and patriotic hymns performed by musicians from Navy Band Southeast and the Coral Ridge Concert Choir. We’ll salute the […]
Join us for a time of prayer and worship on National Day of Prayer.
Join us for a seminar series that applies biblical principles to issues facing Christians in this cultural moment. Wednesdays | 6:30pm-7:30pm | DeVos Chapel Click here for full schedule of topics.
As a church, we will learn about the tragic truth of abortion and commit to changing our culture to end abortion and instead value life. Throughout the week, we will pray and fast in anticipation of our prayer walk. Then on Saturday morning, we will go as we are called, to stand for truth and […]
Thursdays | 7pm | Various Locations Join us this summer for weekly college events in collaboration with Coral Ridge, Rio Vista, Riverside, and Park Road churches. We trust this will be a time for community and thoughtful teaching during the summer months. Click here for full schedule.
Click here for the full schedule of summer Gangway activities.
There will a special concert on June 12 in the Sanctuary at 3pm featuring the Florida Singing Sons, The Miami Children’s Chorus, and the Phoenix Children’s Chorus. This is a free concert that does not require a ticket.
Click here to register!