
The Rest of Revelation

Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

Some Christians find Revelation so intimidating they avoid studying it.  Others leap in with outlandish interpretations.  We’ll approach this complex book with humility, trusting God “to show his servants what must soon take place.” Taught by Dr. Sam Lamerson


Summer Series | Real Cultural Influencers

DeVos Chapel

REAL CULTURAL INFLUENCERS MAY 1 – JUNE 5 “Subdue the earth and have dominion” was God’s first charge to Adam and Eve. In spite of the fall, the Cultural Mandate is still God’s will for every member of the human race. At times God blesses the world with particular individuals with have exceptional insight, creativity, […]


Evangelism Explosion

Knox Classroom 5555 N Federal Hwy,, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

Are you able to share your faith with unbelievers?  Evangelism Explosion has equipped thousands of Christians in our church and around the world.  Through this outstanding training your love for the Gospel will blossom and your confidence in sharing Christ will soar. Taught by Rob Baxter


The Rest of Revelation

Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

Some Christians find Revelation so intimidating they avoid studying it.  Others leap in with outlandish interpretations.  We’ll approach this complex book with humility, trusting God “to show his servants what must soon take place.” Taught by Dr. Sam Lamerson


Summer Series | Real Cultural Influencers

DeVos Chapel

REAL CULTURAL INFLUENCERS MAY 1 – JUNE 5 “Subdue the earth and have dominion” was God’s first charge to Adam and Eve. In spite of the fall, the Cultural Mandate is still God’s will for every member of the human race. At times God blesses the world with particular individuals with have exceptional insight, creativity, […]