20s30s Holiday Lights Cruise
Shooters Waterfront Dock 3020 NE 32nd Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United StatesRSVP required
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Coral Ridge partners with the ministry of Hope South Florida to provide food, clothing, and resources to the unsheltered in our community. Click below for more details on volunteering and how to support this ministry!
Coral Ridge partners with the ministry of ĒMA South Florida to reduce the number of children in foster care through prevention and mother advocacy while increasing family wellness and economic mobility.
Coral Ridge partners with the ministry of Habitat for Humanity Broward to provide both stability to low-income families through affordable homeownership as well as overall stability to the South Florida housing market. Click below for more details on volunteering and how to support this ministry!
Coral Ridge partners with the ministry of HomesUnited to house the homeless and provide a mentorship program to develop individuals for successful, independent living for long term, productive lives in their communities. Click below for more details on volunteering and how to support this ministry!
Coral Ridge partners with the ministry of FirstSide to help children/students reach their full potential by providing guidance and support through relief, development, and social reform in a low-income community. Click below for more details on volunteering and how to support this ministry!
Coral Ridge partners with the ministry of Hope Women’s Center to provide information, resources, and free services to women and men walking through an unplanned pregnancy and to encourage them to choose life. Click below for more details on volunteering and how to support this ministry!
Coral Ridge partners with Vision of Hope Ministries in Haiti to transform lives through the Gospel, empower the next generation Haitians with a high quality education and Christian worldview in order to break the cycle of dependence and poverty. Click below for more details on volunteering and how to support this ministry!
Coral Ridge partners with the ministry of OneHope to reach children and youth worldwide with the Gospel through print, film, storytelling, and digital apps. Click below for more details on volunteering and how to support this ministry!
Coral Ridge partners with Pastor Ramon in Sandino, Cuba. This partnership supports Pastor Ramon and his family, supports their church planting and evangelism efforts, and sends teams and resources to the area when possible. Click below for more details on volunteering and how to support this ministry!
Coral Ridge continues to partner with Evangelism Explosion, a ministry that began at Coral Ridge under the leadership of Dr. D. James Kennedy. EE International equips believers to multiply in and through local churches worldwide. Click below for more details on volunteering and how to support this ministry!
Join us as we dive deeper into Psalm 51.
Location to be determined based on the best availability for the participants.
Without question, Jesus of Nazareth is the most significant and influential person in human history. Called a sinner and a rabble rouser by those who rejected him, Jesus came to seek the lost and comfort the afflicted. More than that, Jesus came in order that we would see the very face of God. Love him or hate him, one thing is absolutely certain: it is impossible to meet Jesus and walk away the same. This group will dive deeper into the weekly study from Pastor Rob.
The Bible is simply a love letter about God’s redeeming love for mankind—a message that is as relevant for us today as it was two thousand years ago. Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John were written over a period of approximately fifty years. The book of James was the earliest, penned between AD 46 and 49, and Revelation was the last to be recorded; it was written by the apostle John in AD 95 or 96. The General Epistles were written during the years of heavy Roman persecution of the Christian population. The content of some of these letters reflects this increasingly hostile environment. This challenge to Christianity is also very evident in the content and tone of these last nine books of the New Testament. Of course, there could be no better capstone to the New Testament — and, in fact, to the entire Bible — than the book of Revelation. In it, God records His last words about the final days and the ultimate victory of His Son, the Lamb of God and the Lion of Judah.
Books are available in the Welcome Center for $15 (exact change or check, please)
Sometimes we ask What is God’s will for my life? when we should really be asking Who should I be? The Bible has an answer: Be like the very image of God.
By exploring ten characteristics of who God is―holy, loving, just, good, merciful, gracious, faithful, patient, truthful, and wise―this book helps us understand who God intends for us to be. Through Christ, the perfect reflection of the image of God, we will discover how God’s own attributes impact how we live, leading to freedom and purpose as we follow his will and are conformed to his image.
Books are available (beginning 1/6) in the Welcome Center for $10 (exact change or check, please)
* Space is limited to 10 families and childcare will follow COVID-19 protocols.
Parent of an elementary-age student? We will be navigating and discussing topics surrounding technology and our children. “Reclaiming real life in a world of devices” – Andy Crouch, ‘The Tech Wise family’ will be one of the resources as well as articles and research from Barna Group. This book focuses on “Everyday steps for putting technology in its proper place.
“Modernizing parenting often feels like sprinting a marathon blindfolded, but voices like Andy Crouch’s add light to our journey and remind us of our end goal.” – Alexandra Kuykendall
*For worship ministry staff and volunteers.
Join our small group for members of our choir, worship volunteers, and music ministry, where we will discuss “The Worship Pastor” by Zac Hicks. Discover a powerful theology on worship that will transform your perspective on Sunday morning worships at every level.
Meeting date, time, and location to be determined based on the best availability for the participants
Join us for a group discussion based on Pastor Rob’s midweek Series “Amazing Grace: An Introduction to Reformed Theology.” Whether you’re new to Coral Ridge or have been here for years, through this study Pastor Rob will help you understand how the teachings of the Reformation not only changed the world but will transform every aspect of your life.
Connect3 is a discipleship training program designed to equip men to connect the relationship with God to their daily, professional lives, capable of delivering the hope of the Gospel to those in their workplace and beyond. Connect3 is designed to help each man grow in their relationship with Jesus and become a “Marketplace Ambassador,” recognizing that God is “making his appeal through us” (2 Cor. 5:20).
Meeting date, time, and location to be determined based on the best availability for the participants
Join us as we dive into the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John provides us with a rich and unique perspective into the life and ministry of Christ, and you will experience the transformative power of God through this engaging study.
A captivating journey composed of 24 sessions, this series helps men understand their masculine identity and shows them how to make the pursuit of authentic manhood a lifelong priority that is incorporated into the fabric of their everyday lives. It offers a clear definition of what a man is and challenges each man to develop his own personalized manhood plan. ($10 workbook – financial assistance available)
Join us each week for a deeper dive into Pastor Rob’s sermons and engaging conversation on how God’s word applies to our lives.
Join us for a group discussion based on Pastor Rob’s midweek Series “Amazing Grace: An Introduction to Reformed Theology.” Whether you’re new to Coral Ridge, have been here for years, through this study Pastor Rob will help you understand how the teachings of the Reformation not only changed the world but will transform every aspect of your life.