Truth without love is condemnation, but love without truth is compromise. We will continue to boldly proclaim God’s love and the truth of the Gospel to a lost and dying world.

Get the whole picture by viewing the complete Ministry Year In Review booklet online! We’re so excited to share what God is doing at Coral Ridge.

Get the whole picture by viewing the complete Ministry Year In Review booklet online! We’re so excited to share what God is doing at Coral Ridge.

A Letter
Pastor Rob

Dear Church Family,

Every day I spend as your pastor, I am reminded how much God is doing through our church and how privileged I am to serve alongside you. I was struck by a common theme I heard in the testimonies of several of our new members who shared that finding Coral Ridge was like coming home. In Galatians, Paul writes of belonging to a household of faith. One component of belonging to that household of faith is the call to not grow weary in our mission.

We are surrounded by people in desperate need of hope and answers. Our culture continues to decline around us as people run after things that will never satisfy. As a church, we are committed to stand as a beacon of hope in an upside-down world. We have the only answer that a lost and longing generation truly needs.

As I mentioned in a recent sermon, the fate of many churches after bowing to the changing tides of cultural demands is to, quite simply, not exist. Coral Ridge is committed to not compromise the message of the Gospel or soften the truth found in scripture. Truth without love is condemnation, but love without truth is compromise. We will continue to boldly proclaim God’s love and the truth of the Gospel to a lost and dying world.

In direct contrast to the image of a dying world, we are experiencing at Coral Ridge a time of great growth and new life. At this year’s Kingdom Come Conference, a dear friend of our church, Dr. Albert Mohler, talked about how Coral Ridge is uniquely poised to impact our culture for the sake of God’s Kingdom. He commented that one sign of a healthy church is the need for more nursery workers on Sunday mornings.

If you have been attending services with us consistently, you will have experienced first-hand the joy of welcoming new covenant children into our church family through baptism. As we continue to raise the next generation on the foundational truths of scripture, we look forward with great expectation to what God will do through our church in the coming months and years.

I ask that you prayerfully consider a one-time gift before June 30 to help us finish this ministry year strong. The many ministries of Coral Ridge would not be possible without your faithful support. When you give financially to Coral Ridge, you give hope! I am grateful for your partnership as we equip Gospel-centered, culture-shaping Christians from generation to generation.

For Christ and His Church,

Rob Pacienza, Senior Pastor






An inspiring testament to how God is transforming the lives of young people at Coral Ridge.

“I had seen Coral Ridge and Dr. Kennedy on television growing up. When I moved to South Florida, I decided after trying many churches to visit Coral Ridge in person. I came on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and heard Pastor Rob preach unapologetically on abortion. For a man in this cultural climate to take a stand like that from the pulpit sold me on this church. That was the day I decided to join Coral Ridge.”


New Member



“I happened across your church when looking at YouTube videos of pipe organs. We live in Scotland and recently moved to a new church where one of the traditions practiced is that Psalms are sung, but with no musical accompaniment. Listening and watching your services helps fill that gap in our worship. My wife and I now watch and listen each Sunday evening to your traditional service. Keep up the good work and keep posting your services!”


Livestream Viewer, Isle of Skye, Scotland


Heard the Gospel presented at the 2023-2024 Concert Series

“What a wonderful time of worship. It was like a small piece of Heaven!



Gospel-Centered, Culture-Shaping


Get the whole picture by viewing the complete Ministry Year In Review booklet online! We’re so excited to share what God is doing at Coral Ridge.

Get the whole picture by viewing the complete Ministry Year In Review booklet online! We’re so excited to share what God is doing at Coral Ridge.