Free Organ Benefit Concert | Cecily DeMarco

Sanctuary 5555 North Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

Join us on Sunday, March 6 at 4pm in the Sanctuary for a concert featuring Cecily DeMarco. A love offering will be taken at this concert to benefit the Coral […]

Night at the Movies

Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

Purchase your ticket today for a night at the movies! Enjoy popular themes from all your favorite films. Expect to hear songs from Disney, Star Wars, The Greatest Showman and […]

David Barton | Biblical Citizenship

Fellowship Hall 5555 North Federal Highwayy, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

We will be joined by WallBuilders’ David Barton for a presentation on America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our religious, moral, and constitutional heritage.

Symphonic Winds: Free Concert

Sanctuary 5555 North Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

The Fort Lauderdale Symphonic Winds is a free concert to benefit our organ restoration fund.  You will hear pops favorites from Phantom of the Opera to The Stars and Stripes […]

Biblical Theology Workshop with Nancy Guthrie

Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

Do you ever read the Bible and have a sense that there is a deeper meaning or significance that you can’t quite figure out? Or do you sometimes wonder why […]


Biblical Citizenship Seminar Series

At Coral Ridge, our aim is to equip Christians to think Biblically and actively engage in every area of culture. That is why we are offering a series called Biblical […]

Holes for Homes Golf Tournament

Register today for the annual Holes for Homes Golf Tournament, benefitting the Habitat for Humanity and Homes United Foundation charities. This tournament will support two of our partner ministries working […]

Passover Seder Dinner

Fellowship Hall 5555 North Federal Highwayy, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

Enjoy a complete Seder dinner, in celebration with Beth Yeshua Messianic Synagogue, with live music. The evening will be led by Pastor Rob Pacienza, Rabbi Adrian Bernal, and Rabbi Peter […]